Autumn equinox

I am learning more and more to work with cycles and seasons.

This week especially the 23rd Sept 2023 for the Northern Hemisphere sees the start of the Autumn Equinox.

Autumn for me a lovely season, I love the colour changes in the trees, the fresher air and lower sunrises and the sunset but I don’t like the darker nights or mornings. I struggle with SAD (seasonal affective disorder).

I have been reading more about the power of our season changes and a quote that sticks with me is Autumn, the season that teaches us that change, can be beautiful.

Equinox also means Latin words “equi” meaning equal and “nox” meaning night. Day and night are equal in length. This creates pure balance a bit like within the home and what we are seeking through feng shui.  

During Autumn we see things die back, and animals start hunting for hibernation. the plants die back and trees drop their leave ready to hold their reserves through the winter season.

During Autumn, it’s also a great time to use for decluttering and letting go of things that no longer serve us. Time for reflection and looking back.

Reflection thought:

  • Of the ideas/ projects you wanted over the past seasons/ time have they fruited, what has worked and not?
  • How can you honour and give gratitude to the ideas and things you have done?
  • What will you do differently next season?
  • Where in your life can you see the need for more of a balance, or the need to slow down or develop on?
  • What ways of being and relationships are feeding you? Which ones need letting go of?

Declutter. Time to let go.

*Declutter from the Summer is always needed as the seasons change, think about what is needed to hands for the autumn and winter seasons.

*Store away last season’s clothing and declutter it as you go.

*Don’t get caught up in the Autumn spending, I am seeing a lot more shops and retailers doing autumn/ winter/ Christmas branded items. remember do you really need it? love it? bring s you joy? before spending.

Appreciate what you have.

Appreciate your home and life in Autumn is great as a powerful time for reflection. Autumn and winter see a lot in nature hibernating so be kind to yourself, take the opportunity to rest and relax more.

Need help with organising for the Autumn then check out my support services here.

Love and light, Steph

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