How decluttering and feng shui helped me.

I have always had a interest in Feng Shui when I was younger, but lost it with life going on.

However 5 years ago originally via the Bizmums, I did our declutter challenge,I really started organizing and decluttering my home. From the last bits of my ex, children’s paintings, keep sakes to the kitchen and wardrobe draws.

I then cane across Patrica Lohan and her free group Dream life & biz creators group on Facebook. I was picking up free tips, challenge and more around how de cluttering and Feng Shui effects the home and life experiences. Knowing a little from my past interest I decided to fully invest in her mastery program.

Starting Patricia’s Feng Shui mastery course, I floor planned my home, gave its build and occupants date of birth and its direction to compass readings, within a few weeks Patrica had sent me my personal Bengal map. While awaiting this report I learnt more about the Gua, what each support within area of life, how clutter has impact and the home energy on yourself and life experiences.

Within the mastery programme its split into room tips, how to effectively declutter, why decluttering needed, theres a personal group support on things like art work in home, bedrooms, kitchens. How Guas need remedies due to energy, what they support and where to place them.

I now was ready to embrace changes I knew something needed to happen.

I started embracing the program, I installed all remedies apart from my required metal, (I couldn’t afford it). The final bits of my ex removed, all rooms decluttered, cleansed and cleaned.

I felt a major change in the house energy and general looks.

2nd year in and I got a updated report for the new Chinese year, and asked as Patrica recommends asked the metal fairy’s for help, this year I ordered enough metal for my report to cover the ground floor, low and behold double the ordered around came….life really started to change then.

That year I knew I wanted to seek out a partner so I really embraced more changes in my love and marriage gua, adding in intentions to type person I wanted to attract, how I would find them and more.

I set out in a dream/ vision board all the things I wanted to active from new partner, holidays, setting up a successful business.

Things really started to change. On a huge and small scale.

Fast forward to now, 4th year into Feng Shui my home and I have achieved all my dreams and more.

❤️I met my new husband

❤️grew an award winning childminding business

❤️cleared my ex off the house mortgage

❤️cleared all ex things and mental clutter, huge letting go process

❤️got a dog

❤️improves my physical and mental health

❤️went on life long dream holiday to the Maldives, paid in cash

❤️over come my anxiety and panic attacks, with extra help from Andrew Dalton ( also member of mastery program)

❤️got my house feeling my way

❤️more holidays and visits home to Northumberland

❤️developed my children’s resilience and love for Feng Shui, crystals and effects of universe

❤️increased size my family with 2 step children

❤️got a bigger car suitable for work and new family make up

❤️grew business income while reducing hours working

❤️cleared partners debt

❤️lots self belief, self love and personal development.

❤️published a personal development “my prefect planner”

❤️gave family and friends say my home feels calm, positive and amazing.

Feng Shui and decluttering really can impact your home, life and those living with you.

Due to seeing changes myself, as well as completing a diploma in feng shui as well as a diploma in decluttering and organisation course. I am setting out there to help and support others in using decluttering and feng shui to improve their lives and home, keep your eyes peeled for my packages

Supporting links

FB page

My prefect planner


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