Balance your home card pack!

The post introduces a “Balance your home, achieve your dreams” card pack designed to bring Feng Shui elements into homes. With the pandemic altering home energy, the cards aim to facilitate positive changes and energy. They offer room layout tips, affirmations, space for intentions, and protection aids. Priced at £27.99 plus postage, pre-orders are open.

Letting go when decluttering

Letting go when decluttering

The content discusses the emotional challenge of letting go during decluttering. It offers tips for evaluating the necessity of items and provides a step-by-step process for gradually parting with possessions. It emphasises the personal journey of decluttering and the importance of staying focused on the bigger vision. Additional support is available in a Facebook group.

How decluttering and feng shui helped me.

The post highlights a transformation through Feng Shui and decluttering. Initially disinterested, the author rekindled the fascination 5 years ago through a challenge. Implementing tips and remedies from a mastery program led to significant changes in home energy, personal life, and achievements, encouraging the author to help others.